A New Nurse Struggles / Sorry Antivaxxer
I saw my name followed by “RN” for the first time on July 27, 2020. The next day, my instructor, or preceptor, and I were assigned to the COVID intensive care unit at our hospital in Nashville, Tenn. I read the assignment sheet with a strange knot in my chest. It wasn’t fear or dread rising into my throat but something much harder to name... More here.
It is hard to believe this story is not fiction, but alas it is not.
Welcome to sorryantivaxxer.com, a repository of stories of anti-vaxxers who died or came close to dying of COVID needlessly from their own scientifically un-sound and stubborn beliefs... More here.
A horrific website which hits home in a second. It may be horrific, but if it saves only one life...