Apple is tweaking its App Store rules in the EU after regulators charged the company with breaking the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in June. At first glance, the updated rules appear to give developers more freedom when linking to outside purchases — but a restrictive new fee structure will force developers to pay Apple a commission for sales made across any platform, not just iOS, for as long as they include outside links… More here.
For years, Patreon has been exempt from Apple’s 30% App Store cut for reasons that weren’t entirely clear. But that era is about to end. The popular crowdfunding platform has announced to creators that supporters will need to start using Apple’s in-app payment system soon… More here.
Thanks to Andrew for the above links. Also, don’t forget Disney from yesterday’s post.
And to finalise the summing up of companies we use every day and whose greed we all choose to ignore when convenient, check out the below.