Can you or I really help limit climate change?
The focus on responsible consumption at the individual level is the common denominator of these manipulation attempts. However, as Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 stresses, what they intentionally neglect is that there is another term in the equation, with a higher impact potential: responsible production.
While just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of GHG emissions from 1988 to 2015, producers make use of every means to avoid their responsibilities, making instead overconsumption and fossil fuel dependency the rule with the only aim of growing their profits. What we need is instead structural change, where sustainable alternatives would be affordable for everyone and not only for the wealthiest... More here.
Thanks for Kirk (give him a visit!) for the above which offers an angle you may not have considered before.
The problem is that, with the onslaught of fast fashion, these donations are too often now another means of trash disposal—and the system can’t cope. Consider: around 62 million tons of clothing is manufactured worldwide every year, amounting to somewhere between 80 and 150 billion garments to clothe 8 billion people... More here.
Thanks to Andrew for the article above which takes us deeper into another part of the 'efforts' to help the climate. Again, it's not as simple as it appears.
Most of us don't want to change much about our lives for the sake of the climate, we genuinely don't if we admit it to ourselves, but mandating is likely needed to bring wholesale change. I just can't see how some countries, governments and cultures will change quick enough.
We are probably fucked.