Two excellent articles from Europa Star which are well worth a few minutes of your time…
DAYLIGHT SAVING: THE ETERNAL DEBATE Should we finally abolish daylight saving time? Twice a year, journalists, scientists and politicians ask whether we should continue to “spring forward, fall back”. Of the 4.6 million respondents to a European Union public consultation in 2018, 84% were in favour of scrapping the seasonal time change. In Switzerland, on the other hand, a 2020 citizens’ initiative to abolish daylight saving fell short of the required number of signatures (a similar initiative in 1984 also failed). While every EU member is free to choose its time zone, Brussels makes clear the importance of having a coordinated time, particularly between neighbouring states… More here.
SAVANT SYNDROME: A HUMAN PERPETUAL CALENDAR Imagine you need to know what day February 7, 1974 fell on (a Thursday) or what day October 16, 2089 will be (a Sunday). Most of us would look online, or maybe use a perpetual calendar. Some people, however, can work the answer out in their heads, in a matter of seconds… More here.