Does Apple News need the +?
Here is the breakdown of the circulation for those Apple News+ magazine publishers, according to the data from “the Alliance of Audited Media.”
The first half of 2021: 1,255,802
The second half of 2021: 1,622,823
The first half of 2022: 1,333,088Here is a breakdown of circulation data for the top 10 magazine publishers on Apple News+, according to Press Gazette. These numbers are calculated by the Alliance of Audited Media by “using average unique opens per issue of a magazine.” More here.
Apple News+ is a strange thing. I like that it is there as part of Apple One, but just like Apple Arcade I rarely use it. Apple News on its own works pretty well in my opinion and does a good job of losing all of the pop-ups and ads that ruin so many other new sites.