Farewell then, iTunes
Last Monday, at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference, the company’s head of software engineering, Craig Federighi, announced that it was terminating iTunes. In one way, the only surprising thing was that Apple had taken so long to reach that decision. It’s been obvious for years that iTunes had become baroquely bloated, a striking anomaly for a company that prides itself on elegant and functional design. So the decision to split the software into three functional units – dealing with music, podcasts and TV apps – seemed both logical and long overdue. But for internet users d’un certain âge (including this columnist) the announcement triggered reflections on personal and tech history... More here.
I would say I was sad to see iTunes go, but I have moved on. I suspect that too many others have as well, hence why we no longer need it.
I use Apple Music for, well, music and Netflix and Amazon Prime for films and TV. The Apple TV experience is so bad that iTunes for rentals and purchases does not even figure in my options anymore.