I have been trying to retrieve our wedding video and some other clips which include relatives who have passed recently and it has involved buying an old camcorder, conversion leads and taking lots of time to get things right.
And then I realised that I have over 25,000 photos and videos only on iCloud and my iPhone.
What in your view is the most efficient and secure way to ensure they are backed up and available forever more?
Google Photos, Dropbox, Back Blaze, Time Machine - I use them all.
Forever is such a long time...
But I have made use of Google Photos to store a lower quality rendition of all my photos and videos - so they are always available to me on my phone or a web browser...
I have then taken a full copy of the originals of everything and have that stored within a locally hosted NAS available from a web browser or as a file share... The originals are taken off phone(s) and other devices via Dropbox - automatically.
I have a daily backup from the NAS to a 2.5" External 4TB HDD.
I have that NAS fully backed up daily to C2 Cloud Storage (I have given away my brand of NAS)...
And for good measure I have made use of the Amazon Prime Unlimited Photo Storage to back up all my photos (not videos) as well....
And periodically I have taken an archive copy of photos onto yet another HDD and placed it in a drawer (I should leave it at a family members house but have never managed to make that step)...
I have a vision of having a NAS at my Kids place one day to sync my main NAS to...
Not completely bullet proof but good'ish...
Note never use flash storage for backups, it has a horrible data retention life...