Take a look at this manual from Casio. It is for a watch that I bought my daughter a few years ago.
She asked me to look at the watch because it had stopped working and I managed to fix it for her. Two batteries were required, one for the analogue hands and one for the digital display, and a fix to two of the parts within the watch. It took about 10 minutes to fix it for her.
This is no joke, it then took me 20 minutes to figure out how to set the analogue hands, the digital time, date, day and timezone. To move the analogue hands around the display take, no joke, more than 2 minutes of holding down a button and multiple button presses for each individual setting.
It struck me as crazy that Casio is making movements so small and I would argue cheap that the pain is passed on to the purchaser just to set up what should be a simple watch. Not exactly Apple is it…