With nearly all the votes counted, Mr Trump has 51% of the vote, with Mr DeSantis on 21% and Ms Haley on 19%. Iowa was the first state for Republican voters to make their White House pick... More here.
Looking from outside the US, it feels improbably that Trump could have any chance at all of becoming president again. If you scrabble around and look deep enough you can use arguments about no wars during his time, a growing economy etc, but the reality is that he could be extremely dangerous and do long-term damage to the country. He already caused lots of damage previously, much of which will not become apparent to many until a few more years have passed.
What shocks me is not the people who vote for him for religious reasons. I am used to conversing with people like that in the UK. It is also not those who blame governments for their own lack of success. Their personal limitations are usually the cause of that.
It is the people who are angry from the moment they wake up and who enjoy seeing other people upset. They don't like 'woke' people or 'do-gooders' and perceive them to be weak or snowflakes. They like nastiness, often enjoy racism and can't breathe without a side order of hate.
The reality is that these people are the weak ones who do not have the inner confidence to just accept others for what they are. They are threatened by those who have differing views and they are too limited to debate in an intelligent manner.
The same is happening in the UK, but what I don't understand is why there are so many of them and why they have such a loud voice. It baffles me. It was expected for Trump to win Iowa, but the size of the win is concerning because I don't want to think of another period with him in charge of the US. It is genuinely frightening to consider.