McGST Winter 2021 Survey Results
What mobile platform do you use?
iOS 73.3%
Android 26.7%
Other 0%
Not a surprise to me to be honest. The tech content here is heavily skewed towards Apple products and I must admit that I am losing Android knowledge more every year.
What desktop platform do you use?
iOS 73.3%
Windows 26.7%
Linux 0%
Other 0%
Crazy that the numbers are identical, but in some ways logical. Considering the relatively high number of respondents I would have expected some variance, but it would appear that people split completely and stick to one side of the other.
Do you still wear a mask?
Yes, in shops and crowded public places 93.3%
Yes, but not always 0%
Not often, only when I am asked 6.7%
Never 0%
How would you define your political bias?
Left wing 46.7%
Right wing 6.5%
Centre 46.9%
Loony left 0%
Far right 0%
I am too daft to have one… 0%
Not surprising, but 6.5% of you must hate me...
What do you wear on your wrist?
Nothing 19.8%
A smartwatch 46.7%
A fitness tracker 6.9%
A quartz watch 0%
A mechanical watch 20.2%
Both wrists: a watch and a fitness
tracker / smartwatch 6.5%
No one wears a quartz watch? Almost half of you wear smartwatches? Wow!
Tick all that apply
The pandemic has made me feel less optimistic about the future 46.7%
The pandemic has made me treasure my family and friends more 60%
The pandemic has made me reassess my career choices 33.5%
I would now prefer to work from home forever more 33.1%
I want to be back in the office / workplace 6.9%
I would like the hybrid option of a mixture of home and workplace working 40%
Products and objects seem less important to me after the pandemic 26.7%
You are less trusting of your government because of how they handled the pandemic? 73.3%
Under 7% want to be back in the workplace and more than 70% of you trust your government less. Two striking numbers.
How often do you read books?
Every day for more than an hour 13.4%
Every day for less than an hour 33.3%
Two or three times a week 13.2%
Once a week 13.6%
Rarely 26.7%
Never 13%
Probably the most expected set of numbers in the survey.
What do you read books on?
Traditional paper books 6.8%
An e-ink eReader 53.3%
A tablet 33.3%
A laptop or desktop 0%
Audiobooks 6.7%
Dominated by tablets and e-ink with e-ink garnering more than half of the share. I am surprised that so many use a tablet above a dedicated reader, but that's just me.
Has McGST improved over the past year?
Yes 73.3%
No 26.7%
Same as ever 0%
I think you are just being polite on this one:)
Do you listen to the McGST podcast?
Yes 33.5%
No 39.8%
Rarely 26.7%
I must try harder...
What is the most likely to be your next tech purchase?
Smartphone 20%
Smartwatch 20%
Tablet 13.3%
Laptop 26.7%
Desktop 13.3%
Fitness Tracker 6.7%
Very even, much more so than I expected. I would have expected phones and smartwatches to be way ahead.
Always insightful with a small bit of thoughts & comment
I’m glad you’re not shutting down as you thought you would. You’re doing a good job with it now - no additions I can see now.
Really enjoy the content on the site, mixture of interesting articles from elsewhere and your own opinions. Also enjoying the podcast.
I read books on a Kindle & paper equally. Why assume only one?
Keep up the good work Shaun. Been enjoying your sites since winmob/ipaq days
Thanks to those of you who responded, I do appreciate the feedback. If there is one thing I want to improve in terms of audio quality, guests and general entertainment value it is the podcast. When I get more time I shall make efforts to do so.