'No jab, no job' policies may be legal
It may be legal for companies to insist on new staff being vaccinated as a condition of their employment, the justice secretary has said.
However, Robert Buckland said it was unlikely bosses could make existing workers have vaccines under their current contracts.
Downing Street has said it would be "discriminatory" to order people to be vaccinated to keep their job.
But some firms say they will not hire new staff who refuse to have the jab... More here.
I believe Tom warned about things like this in our recent podcast.
And then I saw the video above on TV which is attempting to encourage ethnic minorities to take the vaccine in the UK.
Is it just me or does it sound like some creepy science fiction government trying to get people to do something they are wary of, particularly near the end? "Take the vaccine or you will be eliminated..."
I don't think I am being paranoid here, but I worry that this approach is far from ideal.