One feature of iOS 16 changes everything
I have been largely accepting and underwhelmed with the iOS 16 beaters (oops, should be betas- thanks Simon!) so far, but there is one improvement that stands head and shoulders above the rest.
The dictation is phenomenal and above any other system I have used in the past. I am writing this article by simply speaking to my phone a?nd I am doing so at normal pace while the full stops and commas, and everything else are put in for me.
It almost doesn’t feel real as it’s happening, because it goes back to correct itself, the grammar is corrected as I speak, and I am watching the cursor jump back to insert punctuation where it is needed, whilst all the time not one word is misspelt or misheard.
Seriously, you need to try it for yourself to understand what it’s like for everything from text messages to quick emails. I find it hard to believe that the on-screen keyboard could get anywhere close.
Apple makes a big deal about changing everything. This time they actually have. It’s amazing.