Similarly bad is the camera quality. The R1 has an 8MP camera. It’s only used for the R1’s Vision mode (more on that below) and can’t currently be used for taking photos or recording videos. But the R1 does save a snapshot every time you use the Vision mode, and the photos are bad. Rabbit has plans to add video calling to the R1 down the road, but given the camera hardware here, I can’t imagine ever wanting to use the R1 for that… More here.
The poor performance of the R1 and the Humane offering is one thing, but what I really do not get is that they are just personal assistants in unusual boxes. They are not doing anything a smartphone can’t do already. Gimmickry?
Someone forgot the mantra - start with the itch, create the product that solves the itch better... don't start with the finger...
For me it’s more that AI is just so bad that it’s not worth using for anything important.