The Body
In the bestselling, prize-winning A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson achieved the seemingly impossible by making the science of our world both understandable and entertaining to millions of people around the globe. Now he turns his attention inwards to explore the human body, how it functions and its remarkable ability to heal itself. Full of extraordinary facts and astonishing stories The Body- A Guide for Occupants is a brilliant, often very funny attempt to understand the miracle of our physical and neurological make up. A wonderful successor to A Short History of Nearly Everything, this book will have you marvelling at the form you occupy, and celebrating the genius of your existence, time and time again... More here.
I used to read Bill Bryson all of the time, but life got in the way and it has been some time since I last looked at one of his books.
However, I picked up The Body and after only a few pages I am already hooked. He explains the most complex things in a way that all of us can understand, and more importantly in a way that is funny, interesting and captivating.
If you use a Kindle, give the sample a try. If you don't, pop in to a bookstore and read the first couple of pages. You will likely be hooked as well.